Hypnosis Explained
Hypnosis has been used to improve personal well-being for hundreds of years. Contrary to what some people believe, hypnosis is not related to the supernatural, mind control or religion. Nor is hypnosis about taking control away from an individual. In fact, it is exactly the opposite! Hypnosis helps a person bring control back into their lives. Hypnosis is psychology in action; a fascinating way to communicate with the mind.
Many people probably may be surprised to learn that hypnosis was also originally used to induce an anesthetic state for surgical procedures before anesthetic drugs were developed. These days, hypnosis is more and more requested by patients in addition to psychotherapy in order for the patient achieve their desired therapeutic goal faster.

How can I benefit from Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy can be very helpful in reducing anxiety, fears and phobias, in addition to helping with stress relief. In addition, this method can be used in reducing the negative influences from traumatic events (PTSD). During hypnotherapy a person is not required to experience painful emotions by having to talk about the traumatic event. During the hypnotic state, the subconscious and unconscious mind is open to clear the effects of trauma effortlessly and painlessly.
Hypnosis can give a person a feeling of inner peace, strength, and courage in order to deal with anxiety leading to stress, test and performance anxiety, panic, phobias, and depressed mood.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
The simple answer is any person who wishes to be hypnotized can be hypnotized. Exceptions are people with organic brain damage who lack the ability to concentrate and focus, and people who have fear or resistance to hypnosis or to the hypnotist. It is a myth that only weak-willed and unintelligent persons can be hypnotized; this myth is far from the truth. In fact, the more intelligent and strong-willed a person is, the better he or she will respond to hypnosis. A person has to have the ability to focus and concentrate, as well as a good imagination.
Statistically, 60% of the population will experience a medium to deep level of trance in their first session. 20% will experience profound depths of hypnosis, and the other 20% will enter a minor to medium depth of a hypnotic state. If a person is receptive to hypnosis, he or she can improve each time when hypnotized. Subsequent sessions will become easier, and one falls into deeper levels of hypnosis.